path: root/source/lessons/lighting/shaders/light_subject.fs.glsl
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authortalha <>2024-03-31 18:22:14 +0500
committertalha <>2024-03-31 18:22:14 +0500
commit02077305a5b63fcf7242ac909d8caed5cc3cf18f (patch)
tree9940db9786f9496e3a3a872955591c21b433632f /source/lessons/lighting/shaders/light_subject.fs.glsl
parent82de1ef9f3d7fd9268af7de92bfc929f48f5b3bb (diff)
Completed lighting, Model loading
Diffstat (limited to 'source/lessons/lighting/shaders/light_subject.fs.glsl')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/lessons/lighting/shaders/light_subject.fs.glsl b/source/lessons/lighting/shaders/light_subject.fs.glsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3e1d58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/lessons/lighting/shaders/light_subject.fs.glsl
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#version 330 core
+@note: an explanation of why the light direction vector is taken from fragment to the
+light source.
+Basic LA really, we need to calculate the angle between the direction of the 2 vectors:
+ a. The direction at which light incidents with the fragment
+ b. The normal vector
+The reason the light direction is taken from the fragment to the light source, is precisely so we can calculate
+the angle between the normal and the direction at which light would hit. This if taken as starting from the light
+source would actually be incorrect, since we would be calculating the angle between the light source in the direction
+of the fragment and the normal. Consider what happens when it is directly above. The angle becomes 180, not 0. This
+is because the normal moves in the direction opposite to the lights direction if taken this way, which is not what
+we expect or want.
+Reversing this, allows us to consider the angle at the point in which light hits the fragment, and the normal vector
+of the fragment.
+struct Material {
+ sampler2D diffuse;
+ sampler2D specular;
+ float shininess;
+struct Light {
+ vec3 ambient;
+ vec3 diffuse;
+ vec3 specular;
+ vec3 position;
+struct DirectionalLight {
+ vec3 direction;
+ vec3 ambient;
+ vec3 diffuse;
+ vec3 specular;
+struct PointLight {
+ vec3 position;
+ vec3 ambient;
+ vec3 diffuse;
+ vec3 specular;
+ // attentuation factors
+ float kC;
+ float kL;
+ float kQ;
+struct SpotLight {
+ vec3 position;
+ vec3 ambient;
+ vec3 diffuse;
+ vec3 specular;
+ // attenuation factors
+ float kC;
+ float kL;
+ float kQ;
+ // vector for the direction directly in front of the spotlight
+ vec3 front;
+ // spot radius
+ float radius_inner;
+ float radius_outer; // to smooth out the light
+// this is the result of a light creation. This contains the multipliers for each kind of a light we want
+// to have.
+struct LightFactor {
+ vec3 ambient;
+ vec3 diffuse;
+ vec3 specular;
+in vec2 texCoords;
+in vec3 fragNormal;
+in vec3 worldPosition;
+uniform Material material;
+uniform Light light;
+uniform DirectionalLight dirLight;
+uniform PointLight pointLight;
+uniform PointLight multiPointLight[4];
+uniform SpotLight spotLight;
+uniform vec3 cameraPosition;
+uniform vec3 lightColor;
+out vec4 FragColor;
+LightFactor make_directional_light(DirectionalLight light, vec3 CONST_viewDir) {
+ LightFactor res;
+ vec3 DL_lightDir = normalize(-light.direction);
+ res.ambient = light.ambient;
+ float DL_diffuseStrength = max(dot(DL_lightDir, fragNormal), 0.0);
+ res.diffuse = light.diffuse * DL_diffuseStrength;
+ vec3 DL_reflectDir = reflect(-DL_lightDir, fragNormal);
+ float DL_specularity = max(dot(CONST_viewDir, DL_reflectDir), 0.0);
+ float DL_shinePower = pow(DL_specularity, material.shininess);
+ res.specular = light.specular * DL_shinePower;
+ return res;
+LightFactor make_point_light(PointLight light, vec3 CONST_viewDir) {
+ LightFactor res;
+ float PL_lightDistance = length(light.position - worldPosition);
+ float PL_attenuationFactor = 1.0 /
+ (light.kC + (light.kL * PL_lightDistance) + (light.kQ * PL_lightDistance * PL_lightDistance));
+ res.ambient = PL_attenuationFactor * light.ambient;
+ vec3 PL_lightDir = normalize(light.position - worldPosition);
+ float PL_diffuseStrength = max(dot(PL_lightDir, fragNormal), 0.0);
+ res.diffuse = PL_attenuationFactor * light.diffuse * PL_diffuseStrength;
+ vec3 PL_reflectDir = reflect(-PL_lightDir, fragNormal);
+ float PL_specularity = max(dot(CONST_viewDir, PL_reflectDir), 0.0);
+ float PL_shinePower = pow(PL_specularity, material.shininess);
+ res.specular = PL_attenuationFactor * PL_shinePower * light.specular;
+ return res;
+LightFactor make_spot_light(SpotLight light, vec3 CONST_viewDir) {
+ LightFactor res;
+ float SL_lightDistance = length(light.position - worldPosition);
+ float SL_attenuationFactor = 1.0 /
+ (light.kC + (light.kL * SL_lightDistance) + (light.kQ * SL_lightDistance * SL_lightDistance));
+ vec3 SL_lightDir = normalize(light.position - worldPosition);
+ res.ambient = SL_attenuationFactor * light.ambient;
+ float SL_diffAmount = dot(SL_lightDir, normalize(-light.front));
+ float SL_spotLightFadeFactor = clamp((SL_diffAmount - light.radius_outer)/(light.radius_inner - light.radius_outer), 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ float SL_diffuseStrength = max(dot(SL_lightDir, fragNormal), 0.0);
+ res.diffuse = SL_spotLightFadeFactor * SL_attenuationFactor * light.diffuse * SL_diffuseStrength;
+ vec3 SL_reflectDir = reflect(-SL_lightDir, fragNormal);
+ float SL_specularity = max(dot(CONST_viewDir, SL_reflectDir), 0.0);
+ float SL_shinePower = pow(SL_specularity, material.shininess);
+ res.specular = SL_spotLightFadeFactor * SL_attenuationFactor * SL_shinePower * light.specular;
+ return res;
+void main() {
+ vec3 CONST_viewDir = normalize(cameraPosition - worldPosition);
+ vec3 combinedAmbience = vec3(0.0);
+ vec3 combinedDiffuse = vec3(0.0);
+ vec3 combinedSpecular = vec3(0.0);
+ // directional light calculations and stuff
+ //LightFactor DL_factors = make_directional_light(dirLight, CONST_viewDir);
+ //combinedAmbience += DL_factors.ambient;
+ //combinedDiffuse += DL_factors.diffuse;
+ //combinedSpecular += DL_factors.specular;
+ // pointlight calculations and stuff
+ //LightFactor PL_factors = make_point_light(pointLight, CONST_viewDir);
+ //combinedAmbience += PL_factors.ambient;
+ //combinedDiffuse += PL_factors.diffuse;
+ //combinedSpecular += PL_factors.specular;
+ // multiple point lights
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ PointLight pl = multiPointLight[i];
+ LightFactor MPL_factors = make_point_light(pl, CONST_viewDir);
+ combinedAmbience += MPL_factors.ambient;
+ combinedDiffuse += MPL_factors.diffuse;
+ combinedSpecular += MPL_factors.specular;
+ }
+ // spotlight calculations
+ LightFactor SL_factors = make_spot_light(spotLight, CONST_viewDir);
+ combinedAmbience += SL_factors.ambient;
+ combinedDiffuse += SL_factors.diffuse;
+ combinedSpecular += SL_factors.specular;
+ vec3 ambientLight = combinedAmbience * vec3(texture(material.diffuse, texCoords));
+ vec3 diffuseLight = combinedDiffuse * vec3(texture(material.diffuse, texCoords));
+ vec3 specularLight = combinedSpecular * vec3(texture(material.specular, texCoords));
+ vec3 color = ambientLight + diffuseLight + specularLight;
+ FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);