local op = vim.opt op.nu = true op.relativenumber = true op.tabstop = 2 op.softtabstop = 2 op.shiftwidth = 2 op.expandtab = true op.smartindent = true op.wrap = false op.swapfile = false op.backup = false op.undodir = GetHomeDir() .. "/.vim/undodir" op.undofile = true op.hlsearch = false op.incsearch = true op.termguicolors = true op.cursorline = true op.scrolloff = 8 op.autoread = true op.updatetime = 50 op.colorcolumn = '120' -- required to allow mm (mark-move) command to move file vim.g.netrw_keepdir = 1 -- building c/cpp files vim.opt.makeprg = GetPlatformBuildCommand()