@echo off REM Flags REM ***********Compiler Switches***************** REM -Zi => Produces Debug Information (.pdb files) REM ^__(can be problematic) REM -GR- => Disable runtime type info REM -EHa- => Disable exception handling REM -Oi => Enable compiler intrinsics REM -Od => (for learning) No Optimisation and leave everything as is REM -MT => Use the static library, package all the c REM runtime library into the executable REM ******************************************** IF NOT EXIST w:\gamedev\playground\font-rendering\build mkdir w:\gamedev\playground\font-rendering\build pushd w:\gamedev\playground\font-rendering\build set ProjectRoot=w:\gamedev\playground\font-rendering set IncludePath=%ProjectRoot%\include set LibPath=%ProjectRoot%\lib set CommonIncludeFlags=/I"%IncludePath%" /Iglfw set CommonCompilerFlags=-MT -nologo -Gm- -GR- -EHa- -Od -Oi -WX -W2 -wd4201 -wd4100 -wd4189 -FC -Z7 set CommonLinkerFlags=%ProjectRoot%\lib\glfw3.lib opengl32.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib cl %CommonCompilerFlags% %CommonIncludeFlags% %ProjectRoot%\code\win32_main.cpp %ProjectRoot%\code\glad.c /link %CommonLinkerFlags% /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT popd